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C)SA1+2: Certified Security Awareness 1 + 2

Target group

  • Everyone
  • End Users
  • Employees
  • Managers


The Mile2® Certified Security Awareness 1, C)SA 1, certification course is intended for anyone that uses a computer on the internet. Attendees will learn the security threats inherent to today’s workplace as well as the countermeasures associated with this. Employees will learn that the weakest link in any security program is a poorly trained department. The Certified Security Awareness 1, C)SA 1, course teaches general security awareness as well as how to develop a strong security culture within your company’s community. The Social Engineering portion of the class is designed to teach the participants the skills used by Social Engineers to facilitate the extraction of information from an organization using technical and non-technical methods. The Mile2® Certified Security Awareness 2, C)SA2, course is to help the student take organizational cyber awareness to the next level. Attendees will understand the security threats that are associated with a company culture. Specifically designed for managers, the Certified Security Awareness 2, C)SA2, delves into how to respond to a breach, the legal requirements for response, and how to prevent future breaches. The Certified Security Awareness 2 course provides lower and executive management a window as to the techniques of malicious hackers as well as the counter response controls management can implement to detour a major compromise.


  • Who, What and How are people the target
  • What are the losses associated to end user hacks?
  • The policies are as good as the employee who embraces them
  • Example: Fake email sample Social media Personification
  • Objectives of securing data (IP, Compliance/legislature) Personal vs. Business Use
  • Segregating personal use with business use Data management
    • Business standard for deleting data
    • Personal standard of data dumping (old phones/hard drives and usb)
    • Did you know that I can unearth deleted docs from a USB drive from a standard Forensics app off of the internet? How to delete and get rid of your old data
  • Discerning safe secure sites (never go to a site link indirectly)
  • Locks and HTTPS Computer Usage
  • Using computer in non-admin mode
  • Ransomware Password management Removable Devices Mobile, Smart Phones and Tablets (risks associated with mobile devices)
  • Device always locked
  • Device should always be trackable 


Upon completion, the Certified Security Awareness 1 + 2 candidate will be able to competently take the C)SA1 + 2 exams as well as be able to understand basic cybersecurity principles to keep companies’ IP and IT infrastructure safe. 


  • None.


450 €

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